Patrice Deceuninck composes Tolkien-inspired music

You like Tolkien and good music ? Don’t wait any longer, go there : Vous aimez Tolkien et la bonne musique ? N’attendez plus, allez ici :
Howard Shore did rather well with his soundtrack for the LOTR movies, but frankly… Patrice has something more : inspiration ! Howard shore ne s’en est pas trop mal sorti avec sa bande-son pour les 3 films du SdA, mais franchement… Patrice a quelque chose de plus : l’inspiration !

2 thoughts on “Patrice Deceuninck composes Tolkien-inspired music

  1. How does one buy the CD this Tolkieb-inspired music by Patrice Deceuninck? I have google-searched and have had no luck. I don’t collect music other than on commecially produced CDs.. Thanks for any help!

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